足爪セルフケアグッズ ひばり整爪店
~寒暖差、寒さがテープに与える影響につきまして~ 気温が下がると様々な物質が硬化します。爪伸び育て~ぷも例外ではありません。 説明書や動画に記載されている通り、使用前に手のひらでテープを30~60秒ほど温めてからご使用いただくと、テープの柔軟性が高まり、皮膚に馴染みやすくなります。その結果、テープが剥がれにくくなります。 お手数をおかけしますがよろしくお願いいたします。
Do you have any of these problems with your toenails?
✓I accidentally cut my nails too short!
✓Cutting your nails too short can cause them to dig into the skin and cause pain.
✓My nails turned black and then peeled off after I went running or hiking…
✓My nails became damaged and fell off when I wore shoes that didn’t fit my feet…
✓ I’m worried if my nails will regrow properly after they fall off
Leave your worries to the
Nail extension Aid Tape!
What is Nail Extension Aid Tape ?
Nail extension Aid Tape:
This is a tape for toenails that protects wounds by lowering the skin around shortened nails and alleviates ingrown toenails.
✓Guides the skin downward in the direction of nail growth to prevent ingrown or deformed nails
✓Absorbs exudate around the nail and protects wounds
✓Translucent and unnoticeable
✓ Hard to peel off and adhesive does not remain on the skin
✓ Absorbent and rash-resistant
Improved and simplified traditional nail taping method!
The solution to achieving beautiful nails is our “Nail Extension Aid Tape”
Leave it to us!
To use it, simply put your nail through the hole in the tape and stick it on. Anyone can easily do self-care.
The semi-transparent hydrocolloid tape is inconspicuous and does not cause rashes.
The traction of the elastic tape helps prevent the nail from digging into the skin and becoming embedded.
1. Cause
I cut my nails too short. My nails came off.
2. Problems occur as nails grow
The skin around the nail becomes raised, causing the corners of the nail to dig into the skin and making it difficult for the nail to grow.
3. Chronic nail problems
If you leave your nails short...
The nail becomes ingrown and inflammation recurs, or the nail becomes thick, overlapping, and deformed.
In such a case, go to the hospital!
If there is pus and oozing, or if inflammation around the nail worsens and you suspect pyogenic granuloma, see a dermatologist.
4. Let’s take care of our nails early on with Nail Extension Aid Tape.
If your nails get too short, take action as soon as possible!
The tape holds down the skin bulge in the direction of nail growth, alleviating the ingrown nails caused by shortening.
For ‘Nail Extension Aid Tape’, simply insert your nail through the hole in the pad and adhere it. In the event of ingrown nails or loss of the nail plate, it is extremely important to act immediately!
4-1. Cut the release paper along the cutting line and pass your nail through the hole in the tape.
4-2. Gently press down on the skin around the nail.
Apply tape to both ends in order
4-3. Replace the tape as necessary to prevent indentation or deformation.
Wait for the nail to grow
4-4. When your nails grow to the same height as your fingertips, you're done.
5. Preventing recurrence
Continue proper care to prevent recurrence
・Do not cut your nails too deeply, such as by cutting them into triangles. ・Wear shoes that fit you well. ・Tighten your shoelaces or belts when putting on your shoes. ・Use five-toe socks and toe pads, etc.
Avoid excessive pressure and friction from adjacent fingers.
Mizonokuchi Station Dermatology Clinic Jiyugaoka Family Dermatology Clinic Futako Tamagawa Family Dermatology Clinic
Director Yuki Tamaki
He has appeared on many programs, including Nippon Television's "The World's Most Shocking News" and "The World's Most Wanted Lesson (medical supervision)," TV Asahi's "Matsuko & Ariyoshi's Karisome Tengoku (medical supervision)," and Fuji Television's "Honmadekka!? TV"!
It's good to know there are more options for dealing with short nails.
The traditional method of taping nails is as follows:
This is a treatment method used by most dermatologists, and I believe it has also become widespread among the general public.
However, although it is effective, the procedure is complicated, and it is prone to becoming sweaty, so it seems that many people stop using it because the effect does not last. I agree with the idea that "it is important to prevent chronic nail troubles as easily as possible!"
Furthermore, ideas that utilize the advantages of hydrocolloid materials, such as their adhesive power, water absorption, and elasticity, are expected to be used in a variety of fields in the future. Women, in particular, will be pleased with the thin and unnoticeable material, right?
About the creator
Inventor: Toyohisa Osawa, Director of Hibari Nail Clinic in Jiyugaoka
~To improve the beauty of your nails, Nail Extension Aid Tape ~
There is little awareness about how to care for ingrown nails, especially when the nail falls out, and there are no care products available, so many people end up letting the condition worsen without doing anything to treat it.
Nail Extension Aid Tape is a product that allows you to easily care for so-called "dead nails" at home, such as those that are cut too short or have turned black due to internal bleeding and fallen off.
Self-care methods that can be implemented in the early stages can help prevent the condition from worsening and causing long-term problems.
It is simpler to use than conventional taping methods and is designed to protect scratches around the nail.
Nail Extension Aid Tape is a product that was inspired by our daily nail treatments and embodied the idea of "I wish there was something like this." We would be delighted if it could be of help to those who are having problems with their nails.
It is used on short toenails that have been trimmed too short or after the nail has become bruised and peeled off.
*If nail deformation or thickening has progressed and become the norm, using this product will not be effective.
It is a material made of hydrophobic and hydrophilic polymers called hydrocolloids. It adheres to the skin and protects wounds gently and effectively. It turns white and swells when it absorbs moisture such as sweat or exudate.
For hygienic use, please replace the patch once a day.
* Be sure to apply the tape during the times you will be walking!
Pattern 1. Only when wearing shoes/walking: When you want to reduce the pressure on the skin while walking → (e.g. apply in the morning → remove before bathing or going to bed)
Pattern 2. If you want to wear it for a whole day: If you want to keep the skin around the nail down → (For example, apply it after bathing and remove it before bathing the next day.)
If the sticker is peeling off or becomes very dirty, we recommend replacing it.
We do not have any information about clinics or treatment centers in your area, so please find one yourself and consult with us.
You should be able to find the clinic you want by searching online using the keywords "the name of your symptoms + the name of the place near where you live", for example "nail peeling, Setagaya Ward".
Do not use for skin problems other than minor wounds (such as cuts and scrapes) around the nails. If you notice any signs of infection (such as fever, redness, swelling, pain), foul odor, or pus leakage from the wound, seek appropriate medical treatment.
If you have any concerns, please consult a medical professional before use.
Hydrocolloid material is designed to be resistant to rashes, and there have been very few reports of rashes in the manufacturer’s tests and sales of other products (tested to meet requirements set by ISO, etc.)
However, there is no guarantee that you will not have a 100% allergic reaction. Therefore, if you are purchasing in bulk, we recommend that you first buy one box to check whether it is suitable for your skin.
Additionally, when applying the tape to your skin, be careful not to apply it too tightly, as this can also cause a rash.
Below is the response from the manufacturer:
There are two possible causes of rash:
1. Those caused by abnormalities in the adhesive composition of the patch. Although the incidence rate is low due to the composition of the materials and usage history, they may occur if the patch does not suit the skin.
2.Rash not caused by adhesive: Rash caused by physical irritation or reaction to peeling. It can also be affected by age, season, amount of sweat, place of application, method of application, duration of application, cleanliness, etc.
We hope you will use it with care and confidence.
If any abnormalities are observed, discontinue use immediately and consult a specialist.
Please consult your doctor before use.
The large size is intended for use on the big toe of adults, and the small size is intended for use on the index toe, pinky toe, and big toe of children (not suitable for preschool children).
The large size can accommodate nail sizes up to approx . 16mm in length and 24mm in width (nails less than 10mm wide cannot be used).
The Small size compatible nail size: Length up to about 10mm, width up to about 12mm (※ Difficult to use for nails with width of 5mm or less)
*This is a guide to the size of nail to use for each size, taking into account the stretchability of the tape.
The large size can accommodate nail sizes up to approx. 16mm in length and 24mm in width (nails less than 10mm wide cannot be used).
The Small size compatible nail size: Length up to about 10mm, width up to about 12mm (※ Difficult to use for nails with width of 5mm or less)
*This is a guide to the size of nail to use for each size, taking into account the stretchability of the tape.
Average adult thumb nail size: Length 15mm, width 20mm
Average nail size for adults' second to fifth toes (index to pinky): length approx. 10 mm, width approx. 10 mm
Generally, it is recommended to use the nail clipper until the nail is at the same height as the skin on the fingertip.
Average length: Big toe (15mm) Second toe toe toe toe length (10mm)
Bend the middle finger of the hand holding the tape into a hook shape. Hook it over the second joint of the finger you are applying the tape to and lift it up. Then apply the tape as you normally would.
With the Nail Growth Growth Tape attached, apply elastic taping tape (cut a 2.5cm wide tape to a length that goes around your finger and a half, then cut the width of the tape in half).
* Alternatively, you can use surgical tape for bandages, 10-12mm wide. (It is not stretchy, so it will be less durable.)
Apply it all the way around to cover the uneven areas of the skin as your nails grow, without pulling it.
(If you apply it by pulling it, it will put too much pressure on your finger and cause pain.)
This makes it slightly less likely to come off when playing barefoot sports.
Although this varies from person to person, we recommend removing the tape and waiting about 30 minutes to an hour for the skin to return to its original state before applying it again.
It is intended for use on toenails, and is difficult to apply to your own fingernails, so we do not recommend it. If you absolutely must apply it, please have a third party apply it for you at your own risk.
There are some tips on how to apply the stickers to ensure they are effective. Please check the video and instructions for how to apply the stickers.
Please remove any moisture, oil, or dirt before use, as this will make it harder for the sticker to stick.
This product is manufactured with the assumption that it will be used on toenails. Do not use it for any other purpose.
If you are using the small size, try changing to the large size. If you are already using the large size, stretch the tape a little before applying it. If you still feel pressure, discontinue use as it may cause poor circulation.
There is a way to reduce the pressure caused by the tape when you put your nail through the hole. Please follow the steps below.
Cut the dotted line in ①. You will now have the state shown in ②. * Make sure to cut the corners round. This will make it a little harder to peel off. ③ After that, apply the tape in the same way as normal. You can apply it around your nail without having to go through the holes in the tape, which reduces pressure and irritation.
If the swelling or pain continues or worsens, see a doctor.
- Disadvantages of not putting your nail through the hole -
・It peels off more easily than with normal use. ・The traction force weakens.
If you experience repeated pain at the base of your nail (posterior nail fold) even when applying the tape along your cuticle or creating a cuticle, please try the “applying the tape without putting your nail through the hole” method mentioned in the previous Q&A. This will reduce the strain on the base of your nail.
Please carry the tape in its bag, as this may cause the release paper to peel off or the tape to deteriorate. Keep the bag zippered closed when storing.
・Hydrocolloid material has strong adhesive power, so if you try to forcefully remove the tape, it will put excessive strain on your skin. Please be especially careful if you have sensitive skin.
➡ While running cold or warm water between the skin and the tape, slowly pull the tape off.
It is easy to remove when bathing.
・Even if you think your skin is tough, we recommend that you peel it off following the instructions in the instructions included with the product.
To reduce stress on the skin, press down on the skin while peeling off slowly.
If it is difficult to peel off, wet it slightly with water or lukewarm water before peeling it off.
Yes, you can. Please remove the tape before using nail polish remover.
If you play sports that caused problems with your nails, the same problems may occur again or worsen. Please review how you wear your shoes and the size and take responsibility for your own actions.
It is best to avoid wearing them as much as possible, as they put pressure on the toes, causing repeated problems and inhibiting nail growth, making the condition worse. If you wear them for professional reasons, we recommend that you keep the heel height to within 3cm. It is said that with a heel height of 5cm, about 85% of your body weight is placed on your toes.
It is said that toenails normally grow about 1.5 mm per month on average. Measure the length from the tip of the shortened nail to the tip of your finger and divide it by 1.5 to calculate the approximate period of use (how many months it will take).
Do not use disinfectants, etc., but wash the wound with water and keep it clean before use. If dirt or debris gets on the wound around the nail during use, wash it off and keep it as clean as possible. If you experience any signs of infection (fever, redness, swelling, pain), consult a specialist immediately.
It is possible, but the tape will absorb moisture, which may reduce its effectiveness or cause it to peel off.
Store at room temperature, avoiding high temperatures and humidity.
Please warm the tape in your palm for 30 to 60 seconds before use. Warming the tape will make it more flexible and easier to stick.
We do not recommend wearing multiple pairs of socks as this can cause deformation of the feet and nails.
When you wear regular pouch-type socks, you feel pressure on both the big toe and the little toe.
In terms of angle, the big toe side alone is about 3 degrees, and if you add the little toe side, the total pressure on your feet and nails is about 6 degrees x the number of socks you are wearing.
It can also inhibit nail growth. (The image shows the result of wearing multiple socks.)
Five-toed socks are the opposite; they are recommended as they open up the space between the toes and improve foot deformities.
(※Do not wear multiple layers.)
Please check that you are using the Nail Extension Aid Tape correctly. We also recommend that you measure the length of your nails regularly and check the condition of any scratches. If you see no improvement after using the tool for about three months, please visit a medical institution that can treat your condition. If you see signs of infection, please see a specialist as soon as possible, regardless of the period of time.
After using Nail Extension Aid Tape, you can also use taping tape in combination.
For details, please refer to the application tape usage method below. (The edges of the tape are marked in black for easy understanding.)
Cut three pieces of 2.5cm wide taping tape to lengths of approximately 3-4cm.
Apply one patch to each side of the nail and one patch to the tip of the finger, gently pulling the skin down.
*The more the pulling force that pulls the skin down increases, the stronger the pressure on your fingers will be, so do not pull the tape too tightly. This can cause your fingers to hurt.
If this method is difficult, please consult a nearby facility that can provide corrective treatment using devices.
Advantages and disadvantages of orthodontic appliances
Advantages: 1. It has a reinforcing and corrective effect on the nails. 2. The instrument pushes down the hardened skin that prevents the tip of the nail from growing, helping the nail grow.
Disadvantages: Easy to fall off if the nails are not long enough, costly.
It can only be purchased online from this site.
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Click to use the chatbot. This chatbot uses AI to automatically answer questions in text. When you enter a question, related FAQs are displayed, but sometimes the answer may be inappropriate.
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We recommend that you try it once.
When toenails become too short, the skin around and at the tip of the nail becomes raised, causing the growing nail to dig into the skin.
Nails that are unable to grow forward will overlap and become thicker.
Nail Extension Aid Tape lowers the raised skin around the nail and in the direction of growth, relieving nail ingrown.
For example, imagine a mountain of accumulated soil and sand surrounding it, and water pooling inside. The idea is to flatten that mountain to create a place for the water to flow.
*If the skin around your nails is hard, please try the method for lowering hardened skin described in the FAQ.
However, if no improvement is seen after using the product for about three months, please visit a medical institution that can treat you. If you experience signs of infection, please see a specialist as soon as possible, regardless of the period of time.
Tapes are not of any use for the following reasons:
If you have had surgery to narrow your nails, such as the phenol method, your narrowed nails will continue to grow even after the procedure. (This is because the nails are cut off at both ends and a chemical is applied to the nail matrix to prevent nails from growing.)
In addition, since the surgery cuts off the continuity between the nail and the skin on either side (lateral nail fold), it is said that the nail may become detached or deformed.
We recommend that you consult with the medical institution where you had the surgery.
I think the tape itself is usable.
However, if the nail is peeling off, it will get in the way and make it difficult to apply the sticker.
In addition, the loose nails may get caught on shoes or other objects when walking.
Therefore, we recommend that you remove any remaining nails yourself or at a medical institution, or remove them so that they do not get caught before using this product.
"Nail extension Aid Tape" is a tape used to lower the skin around the nail to relieve ingrown nails when cutting the nail too short or after the nail plate has fallen off.
In addition, it can be used to protect minor cuts and scrapes around the nails.
If you experience any symptoms that go beyond the above range, please consult a dermatologist near you.
This shop is an online store for "Nail Growth Growth Pu." Please note that we are not a medical institution and cannot provide advice regarding individual symptoms.
Nail extension Aid Tape is classified as a general medical device bandage, so depending on how you use it, it may be eligible for medical expense deductions.
Like a regular bandage, it may be covered if it is used for therapeutic purposes to protect a wound or promote healing.
However, use for preventive purposes or use beyond the above scope is not eligible for medical expense deduction.
For more information, please refer to the National Tax Agency website (regarding medical expenses deductions) and consult with your tax office, tax accountant, or other professional.
→National Tax Agency website (regarding medical expenses deductions)
Note: This information is for general informational purposes only. Please consult a professional for specific individual cases. We cannot be held responsible for any results based on this information.